The appropriate technique and study material are essential for IAS preparation. Candidates should devise a strategy based on their own skills and weaknesses. IAS Toppers interviews can greatly assist applicants in developing their own techniques. Candidates should begin by discussing current events that are both national and international in scope. After reading the newspaper and current events, the applicants should proceed to the next step.
One of the most difficult components of IAS preparation is preparing for the interrelationship of one aspect of the topic with all of the other aspects of the topic. Because candidates must view current events through the lens of the topics in the IAS syllabus, current events of national and worldwide importance impact IAS preparation.Â
Candidates must prepare their historical, geographical, economic, and political relevance in whatever case. Candidates must also consider the event’s influence on the environment as well as the event’s long-term ramifications for society and mankind. Books, study materials, and, currently, internet study materials are all used in IAS preparation. The best books contain accurate information that serves as the foundation for understanding and analysis. IAS prelims preparation necessitates more mock test practice and review after each test.
For IAS preparation, current events of national and international importance are crucial. IAS preparation is inextricably linked to current events. When a candidate grasps current events of national and worldwide importance, he or she begins to connect the dots and understand the connections between current events and the IAS Syllabus’ static topics in general studies. The interlinking of the topics stated in the IAS curriculum with one another and with current events is an important part of IAS preparation. IAS preparation necessitates an awareness of how one event affects the other and vice versa.
How to start the IAS Preparation?
It is the most difficult question that an aspirant for the IAS faces. Beginnings are often difficult, and IAS preparation is no exception. It will take time because it is a behavioral change. Candidates must alter their thinking patterns and everyday routines.
Here are some tips to prepare for IAS:
1. Read the Syllabus Carefully
One of the main reasons why students go far and wide while studying for the UPSC is that they ignore the curriculum. You don’t require a lot of expertise or a lot of understanding. UPSC requires employees who are generalists rather than specialists. You’ll be able to focus your preparation on the things that matter if you stick to the syllabus and understand exactly what they expect.
Furthermore, each subject has dynamic components, some more than others, so knowing the syllabus will aid you in selecting the appropriate news and putting a stop to your current affairs preparation. Current events can be overwhelming on their own, but when you combine it with the syllabus and last year’s questions, you won’t have any trouble deciding what news to read.
2. Develop the Habit of Reading Newspaper
The day you opt to take this exam, subscribe to The Hindu/Indian Express and download the PIB app. You can set aside different days for different subjects, but until the interview stage, the newspaper should be a regular mainstay. Reading the news and keeping up with current events is not only necessary for answering the new trend of questions, but it also aids in the development of your personality.
Being well-read and knowledgeable about a subject instills confidence in you, which is shown in your demeanor. Don’t just read the news; learn about the context, analyze it, and then criticize it. This habit will also assist you in writing superior Mains responses, regardless of subject, as well as doing well in the interview.
3. Create a Strong Base
There will be many occasions during your preparation when you would wish that you had paid more attention in school! For those who did, the preparation gets easier because they only need to add to it rather than start from scratch. There are numerous issues that one may encounter and for which one only has to learn the advanced portions. But don’t give up if your ideas aren’t obvious.
There is plenty of time to read and comprehend the NCERTs. Your level of comprehension has improved at this age, and you will be able to grasp topics from the junior class NCERTs with ease. Do not attempt to learn complex topics until you have mastered the fundamentals. This method will just demoralize you and make an otherwise simple subject appear tough.
4. Make Notes & Restore Them
Do not start taking notes as soon as you begin a new subject. Apart from the NCERT, consult at least 1-2 other sources, underline key aspects as you read, and then consolidate them into notes. Many make the mistake of making history notes by just reading the old NCERT and the reference books by R.S Sharma, Bipin Chandra, etc, and later discover that the Tamil Nadu NCERTs and other books also have lots of relevant information. As a result, he or she will have to rewrite all of their notes.
Make the most of your time by taking detailed notes, as this is what you will be referring to throughout the final months of your preparation. You won’t have time to read all of the books at this point, so make a list of everything significant in your notes.
Also, at the end of your notes, make a separate section for trivia. After you’ve finished taking notes, go through the NCERT textbooks for all courses from 6th to 12th and jot down minor points or items in designated boxes in bullet form for easy revision.
5. Make a Thorough Planner
Planning should be one of your strong suits as an IAS official. Put that ability to the test right away by devising a plan to follow for the next year. For this work, do not rely on coaching institutes; remember, you are the greatest judge of yourself. Plan your study so that you can maximize your output. Once you grasp the exam’s syllabus and format, this should be simple. You can get ideas from other toppers, but make adjustments to fit your individuality.
6. Reduce Your Socializing
For a reason, the UPSC Civil Services exam is known as the “Mother of All Exams.” It necessitates not only hard effort and determination but also a change in lifestyle. Limiting your usage of social media as well as your social connections with the rest of the world is an important step to undertake.
For the one year of prelims preparation and the six months of Mains preparation that follows, you’ll need to set your priorities straight. Many people believe they can balance the two, but they are quickly proven wrong! When you’re on social media, it’s difficult to keep track of time, and you wind yourself missing deadlines. You may set aside some time for these activities, but keep in mind that you must adhere to the time constraints.
7. Set Deadlines
Setting daily and monthly personal goals is a great strategy to finish the UPSC syllabus on time and get the most out of your day. It was incredibly informative and beneficial to previous year’s top performers in their preparation. They were able to maximize their time by setting deadlines and time limits for everything. It allowed us to concentrate on the study and eliminate non-essential tasks. Make a schedule for yourself, and you’ll notice a difference in both the number and quality of your study.
8. Opt for IAS Coaching
When it comes to studying, we all have a plethora of explanations. Keeping track of time appears to be a difficult endeavor. The coaching programme instills discipline in kids by providing them with a set of guidelines to follow. Attending classes on a regular basis, completing homework on time, taking frequent tests, and practicing question papers, among other things, aids with time management. Furthermore, students will gain insight into how to organize their studies so that they may finish the syllabus at least two months before the tests.
You are betraying yourself if you believe that reading more books will improve your chances of passing the exam. This isn’t the case at all. Exclusive notes and materials are prepared by top-rated IAS coaching institutes such as Pragnya IAS Academy. This enables students to obtain the necessary study materials from a professional standpoint. Such study materials are created after a thorough review of the subject, examination pattern, previous year’s question papers, and other factors. This allows you to cover more topics in less time. In a nutshell, excellent work!
Final Thoughts
The UPSC IAS exam is regarded as one of the most prominent tests in India. Thousands of individuals from all around the country attempt it each year. However, only a small fraction of them will be able to realize their aim of becoming an IAS official. The Civil Services exam is difficult not only because of the broad content but also because of its complexity.
Having a strategy for preparing for competitive tests is essential, but this method is especially important for passing the UPSC IAS exam. Hopefully, the following pointers will assist you in passing the exam.