Civil services topper Shubham Kumar scores 52.04 per cent
Shubham Kumar got a total of 1,054 marks – 878 in the written and 176 in the personality test (or interview), according to UPSC data. The merit is determined out of the total of 2,025 marks – written or main exam is of 1,750 marks and the interview is of 275.

Shubham Kumar topped the civil services examination 2020 with 52.04 per cent marks, and second rank holder Jagrati Awasthi scored 51.95 per cent in the prestigious test conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select the country’s civil servants. A total of 761 candidates – 545 men and 216 women – have cleared the examination, results of which were announced by the commission on Friday.
The civil services examination is conducted by the UPSC in three stages – prelimin ..